Just a quick update to let you know what is going on in Sydney. Just finished a smorgasbord with the princess Victoria, Karl-Jan Granquist, Karina Fjallholm, Robert Wells and Nicole Quantock. Ojojoj, what a bunch of dignitaries. We sat 10 meters from Vickan and talked to Karl-Jan on several occations. Nicole asked what chees to use in potatisgrantang. He gave a looong speach about that one.
The full story will come in swedish on a computer near you but can I just say, it was a long time ago (never) that I ate a BIG lunch like that in a BIG company like that.
Reporting from Sydney at a internet cafe,
Nicole and Marten
Att följa den här bloggen är ett sant nöje och mer spännande än all världens såpor tillsammans. Kungligheter, Karl-Jan och vem du vill. Den här bloggen har allt. Nu väntar vi bara på fler bilder på Vickan och drickan…
ni finns det, en i allafall